Three Rochester Carburetors!

Here is a close up of one of the three Rochester 2 GC carbs. They have never been rebuilt as far as I know, and had a huge pile of lead buildup in the bottom of the bowl when pulled apart. I pulled off all the linkages shortly after this shot was taken.
All three Carbs are shown in this picture. Notice the vacuum bellow on the center right. This is connecting to a switch which is activated by a tang on the throttle linkage. When the switch opens, the vacuum is admitted into the bellow and it pulls the throttle linkage for the front and rear carb. This happens at about 70% throttle. It really gives you that extra punch in the passing lane.
After I pulled the carbs off, I took pictures of all the linkages etc. before I tore them down for rebuild. Rochester 2G (front and rear) and 2GC center carbs are very simple to work on. I soaked all the parts in Chemtool, and bead blasted all the hard parts. I avoided blasting the jets and other parts where perfect clearances are important. Next I washed everything several times, and blew air in the jets to get any beads out. Then I clear coated the bodies, and added the rebuild kits. After each unit was rebuilt, I followed the adjustment instructions with the kit and in the shop manual to complete each carb.
Here is a carb body just after soaking, but before bead blasting. Not very pretty. I recommend using layers of old Newspaper on the workbenches, for several reasons. First, the Dirt and grease buildup over months of car work will make your workbench totally disgusting, Second, Newspapers are light in color and help keep parts from disappearing in the mess.
I took lots of pictures of the cables and hoses, so I would know how to put everything back. Notice the incorrect Master cylinder. It should be a smaller Delco Moraine.
After the carbs and intake manifold came off, I scraped about five pounds of sludge off the valley cover, Chemtool was my friend here. This shot was after cleanup but still it wasn't nice to look at. When I pulled the intake manifold off I discovered one of the reasons the car was running so poorly. The intake gasket had blown around the exhaust riser. This condition made the engine sound like a hotrod even with normal exhaust.
Off with the heads!!

Author: Bill McKenna